Don't take your hearing or granted

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It goes without saying that the ability to hear well impacts on every area of your well being as the lack of verbal communication can make life extremely difficult for you and others.

One of the senses that allow children to feel connected is hearing as they can recognise their mothers voice and music even when they are in their mothers womb so losing the sense of hearing can impact massively.

It is widely known that the majority of hearing loss is age related but you can't forget hearing loss that is caused by excessive noise exposure.  Excessive noise hearing loss affects lots of people both in the UK and worldwide and in the majority of cases hearing loss is permanent unless it has been caused through infection which can be, in most cases sorted with a course of medication.  People generally think that hearing loss can be repaired via hearing aids but all hearing aids do is improve hearing so in order for them to be effective there needs to be some residual hearing present already.

Protection from excessive noise

Some people can be exposed to excessive noise through their daily working activities and these people are the ones that are at high risk of hearing loss.  Operating loud machinery such as pneumatic drills etc are prime examples of how loud machinery can damage your hearing.  Other occupational hazards could include quarry workers as there is lots of dust around that can clog ears and cause repeated infections resulting is sustained hearing loss over time.  In general excessive noise hearing loss is a gradual process but if you are working in or near blasting areas and are un protected you could potentially suffer an instant loss which would obviously be apparent straight away.

As in most cases excessive noise hearing loss is gradual, the sufferers generally are unaware that they are suffering until loved ones point out to them that they seem to be shouting all the time or that they have the television up way to loud.  There is a simple preventative method that can be employed to stop this type of hearing loss and with todays health and safety legislation is a must for all noisy working environments and that is the use of ear defenders.  These excellent devices stop excessive noise whilst still allowing the wearer to hear what is going on around him or her.  they should be used in all noisy environments and when operating loud machinery or when using firearms.

Medical studies have linked aged related hearing loss with cigarette smoke so smokers or people who are in smoky environments could be at a higher risk so its always worth bearing this in mind when you reach for that next cigarette.  Be careful where water is concerned as water can damage your ears if submerged excessively which is why professional swimmers wear ear plugs when training and in some cases competing.  There is an old saying "Don't put anything smaller than your elbow into your ear when cleaning" There is a reason for that and its because your ears are extremely sensitive so sticking anything down them could be harmful despite how careful you believe you are being

Protecting your hearing is basically common sense but by protecting your ears from loud noises, water and smoke you pretty much covers all of the basis and should allow you to keep on hearing for much longer.  As stated at the begining hearing care is vitally important to your well being and the well being of others around you.


Written on behalf of Digital Hearing Care and Discount Hearing Aids suppliers of Hearing Aids in Leeds, Bradford and the rest of the UK
Last modified onThursday, 24 November 2011 16:17
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