Sciatic Nerve Pain: How to Avoid and Prevent

Taylor Benjamin by Taylor Benjamin
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Sciatica is the sharp pain and discomfort that is felt as a result of the pressure and compression on the sciatic nerve which is the longest nerve of the body.  The sciatic nerve runs from the lower portion of the back, over the hip and down the back of the legs.

 It is what controls the muscles in those areas. Sciatic nerve pain starts when the nerve roots that are located in the lower portion of the spine get irritated, pressured or compressed.  The pain that is felt can either be infrequent, constant, mild, or mixed with numbness or weakness of the muscles located in the lower limbs.

The treatment for sciatic nerve pain is different for each person.  There are patients whose body takes time to heal and recuperate.  Those with bad cases of sciatica must stick to a normal routine of avoiding too much bending and excessive heavy lifting.  One non surgical treatment method is applying ice to the affected area.  Those who do not have ice packs can use one large packet full of frozen peas instead.  When doing this, it is important to put a tower or a piece of cloth between the ice and your skin to prevent ice burn.  It should be applied for at least 15 minutes and with 15 minute breaks in between.  This treatment should work once you feel the pain easing up and the inflammation reducing.

After an initial start of 48 hours, you can use a heat pack or have a hot bath for sciatic nerve pain treatment.  This helps tighten the muscles that are causing the aggravation to the nerve roots or the sciatic nerve.  Hip and back stretches are also useful methods in treating sciatic nerve pain.  The muscles in the areas around the hip area and the lower back, called the piriformis, are the tight.

For a more natural and organic treatment method for sciatic nerve pain, the most popular herbs include Devil's claw, the Arctium lappa, and the Matricaria recutita.  These are known to be strong anti-inflammatory herbs that have a long history of relieving the body from aches and muscle cramps.  On the other hand, other patients have found success with a few homeopathic remedies like Rhus tox and Colocynthis. They help treat muscle soreness, pain and stiffness brought about by sciatic nerve pain.

Perhaps one of the more important tips for the treatment of sciatic nerve pain is by wearing flat shoes that are soft.  It is important that they provide good support as well as soft cushioning every time you walk as it will prevent your heels from jarring.  When this happens, your spine will get strained and your sciatica will be aggravated.  It is also crucial that you avoid sitting for long periods of time because the muscles will stiffen up.  Be active and keep moving if and when you can.  You have to make sure to get rid of any stressful or negative emotions.  Studies have shown that these two are also the culprits in causing sciatic nerve pain.

Suffering from sciatic nerve pain? Visit to cure your pain in less than 7 days.

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