What Are The Various Symptoms Of Opiate Dependency

Jose Smith by Jose Smith
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What Are The Various Symptoms Of Opiate Dependency Individuals who are suffering from severe pain especially those who have cancer can be prescribed with Fentanyl by their doctor. As an opiate, this medicine has an addictive property which may cause patients to focus their lives on using the drug. As the body of clients becomes more tolerant to Fentanyl, they are likely to show drug-seeking behavior like stealing other person's prescription, visiting physicians frequently and making alterations to prescriptions just to acquire more of the medication.


People who have taken Fentanyl to address their pain on a regular basis may suffer uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms especially when they suddenly reduce their dosage of the medication or stop using it. According to addiction recovery experts, an individual is addicted to Fentanyl when he uses the medication all the time in order to experience the euphoric effect. This feeling can be habit forming to patients as euphoria eliminates pain. As a result, Fentanyl abusers tend to withdraw from their friends and family because they only focus on the medicine to make them happy. A lot of those who have been dependent on Fentanyl still use the medication even if their pain had subsided.

As Fentanyl is continuously taken by clients, they become more tolerant to the drug, thus they need to take more of it to enjoy the same effect. Because of this, they are likely to begin changing doctor's prescriptions so they seem to have a lot of refills which will allow them to increase their dosage and have an access to the medicine all the time. Those who are no longer prescribed with Fentanyl by their doctor, probably because the professional suspected a dependency on the drug, may start to consult with many physicians in order to get many prescriptions for the medication. Also, it is possible for people to access the medication without prescriptions by buying it online or getting it from other users.

A lot of addiction treatment professionals say that Fentanyl abuse comes with physical symptoms which take place when the sufferer suddenly stops taking the drug. For instance, those who stop using it experience diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. They may also feel exhausted, irritable and sweaty. Additionally, Fentanyl addicts may also suffer from headaches or may have uncontrollable twitching when they don't use the drug. Most Fentanyl addicts who want to avoid the withdrawal symptoms of Fentanyl addiction may slowly decrease their dosage of the medicine. But managing such addiction should include seeking the help of a medical expert before an addict stops using the drug.

---------------------------------------------------- Jose Smith is an author on topics about http://www.treatmentcentersdirectory.com/Arizona/Glendale/

and features of http://nationalsubstanceabuseindex.org/alabama/facilities.php

Last modified onMonday, 03 September 2012 08:21
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