The 8 Vital steps of CPR

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Like in most important thing,like fire or an accident, as with any emergency, the first thing you have to do is not to panic.

Incase of heart attack,if a person falls to ground right next to you, what should you do? Do you know anything about CPR? By learning how to do the correct CPR procedure you might be able to save someone lives.

Follow this guideline, but remember that it is for adults only. The procedure for children is different. Here are the 8 steps you must follow:

1. Try not to panic!

2. Call 911,state your address and clearly

3. Check their breath by approaching your ear to their mouth. Can you feel them breathing? Do you hear them breathing? Can you see their chest going up and down as they breathe? If the answer to all of these is no proceed to step 4

4. Do mouth to mouth breathing.With one hand close their nose and pull their head back to open their mouth. With the other hand check if there is nothing obstructing their airways, including their tongue. Then inhale, put your mouth on theirs, and exhale for 3 seconds. Wait 3 seconds and repeat. If the person was involved in an accident the procedure is different. In that case, just don't do mouth to mouth nor move the person in any way, or they may become paraplegic (this is not the standard procedure, and if you want to learn what to do in this type of situation, you should take a CPR course).

5. Check their pulse. The best place to feel is in the neck, but you can double check in the arm. If you can't feel it, proceed to step 6. If you can, continue to do mouth-to-mouth.

6. Make a 30 heart massages. Intertwine your fingers and with your hands down placed on their sternum make 30 heart massages. Use your whole body to do the pressure, not just your arms. It is about the same pressure it would take to bend a watermelon without breaking it. But don't worry about breaking their ribs - it is best to have a few broken ribs than to have no heartbeat at all.

7. Do more mouth to mouth and then another cycle of 30 heart massages until you did 4 cycles. 8. Continue doing mouth-to-mouth and 30 massages until the person wakes up or the ambulance arrives. When the ambulance and paramedics arrive, tell them how many cycles you did and state that you did 30 massages in each, because guidelines keep changing and you need to make sure you are all on the same page.

You might wanted to print out this guidelines,and stick it on the fridge or keep it near the telephone. If you live with someone who has a heart disease problem you might wanted to practise this regularly.

---------------------------------------------------- To prevent yourself from heart disease and to avoid heart attack,please visit my free website full of tips,advice and solution at:

Last modified onMonday, 16 September 2013 06:45
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