#BRCA Testing And Cancer Genetic Counseling

Joshua Williams by Joshua Williams
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BRCA Testing And Cancer Genetic CounselingThe BRCA (BRCA1 and BRCA2) stands for #Breast Cancer susceptibility gene. They are types of genes known as tumor suppressor genes. With BRCA testing, doctors and nurses understand the stress and worry that can come with the threat of cancer in the family. While regular checkups with the doctor and cancer screening tools are necessary, there is another way to prepare and weigh the risks of cancer.
With the BRCA genetic testing and counseling program, cancer can be detected early and stopped before there is any life-threatening harm or danger.

BRCA and Cancer

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes in the human body that actively suppress tumor growth or creation, but at any time if there is a mutation within the BRCA gene, there is an exponential increase for the risk of breast, ovarian and other cancers. This is due to the decreased function in the gene's ability to repair DNA causing mutations to arise within the body. Over time, these mutations within the body can cause tumors to grow resulting in the possibility of cancer. While breast cancer is the most common cancer with an increased risk due to a BRCA gene mutation, other forms of cancer also have increased potential.

Those at Risk

Those at the most risk of a BRCA genetic mutation are those who have been diagnosed, or had family diagnosed, with ovarian cancer, breast cancer, a rare cancer or been diagnosed before the age of fifty with any cancer. People with a family member that has experienced more than one type of cancer in their life may also be at risk of a BRCA genetic mutation.
Contrary to popular belief, men are also at risk for breast cancer and benefit from screening. While there are many causes of breast cancer, the current belief is that most male breast cancer is hereditary. Therefore, if you are a male with a family history of breast cancer or any other cancer, a risk analysis and genetic counseling is of equal importance to your health.

Risk Analysis and Genetic Counseling

Due to the scientific breakthroughs in genetics, cancer genetic counseling, for the BRCA gene mutation, is now the norm for biopsies. In addition to testing, risk tumor and cancer risk analyses are available to those concerned about the potential for a BRCA gene mutation. Cancer genetic counseling services may offer risk assessment tools, a counselor to go over the types of cancer BRCA mutated genes can cause, how likely these cancers occur and whether or not genetic testing is necessary for detecting the mutated BRCA gene. These cancer genetic counseling sessions include an in person consultation, a summary of all results found from the consultation or genetic test and a referral to support organizations if needed.
During the consultation, the patient's ancestry and familial ties with breast cancer and ovarian cancer are assessed. From this point, a patient may move on to a genetic test looking for the BRCA mutation. After the BRCA testing, if a patient is found to have the BRCA gene mutation, a plan is put together to combat the potential cancer through early detection and self-monitoring as well as bringing in support from outside consultants such as clinical trials and psychological support.

Preparing for a Genetic Consultation

Before the genetic consultation, the patient must complete a family history form and health questionnaire. It is imperative for patients to bring along any medical records or a family member if available. If an interpreter is necessary, to fill a language barrier, inform a nurse or doctors so arrangements can be made. Finally, if the patient is uncomfortable about discussing these topics with the consultant, a family member or friend is allowed to join.
Setting up a Consultation To set up a consultation, contact Nancy Cohen MS, CGC on her phone at 914.242.7649 or 914.242.7640. Nancy can be contacted in her office on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. In addition visit Nancy Cohen at http://nwhc.net/home/about-us/video-suite/the-breast-institute
Last modified onWednesday, 04 December 2013 13:16
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