Hemorrhoids Can Be Horrible, What to Do!

Troy Powers by Troy Powers
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Hemorrhoids aren't fun at all. If you are afflicted with them, you know how painful and uncomfortable they can be. In this article, you will learn the best

methods to treat and prevent them. Soon after following these helpful tips, you can be completely free of hemorrhoids once and for all.

A great way to ease your hemorrhoid problems is to lose weight. The excess weight around your abdomen and waist areas increase the pressure put on the veins in and around the anus. If you lose this excess weight it will relieve the pressure in this area and help with your hemorrhoid problems.

A useful tip for anyone suffering from itchy hemorrhoids is to soak in a soothing bath. Use warm water and mild soap, and you will soon feel relief from the itchiness and comfort from the heat. Employing this strategy also, helps kill any bacteria present that may exacerbate the condition.

One of the most common causes of hemorrhoid formation is chronic bouts of constipation. Preventing constipation and encouraging more regular bowel movements can go a long way in avoiding both internal and external hemorrhoids. Look for natural constipation remedies, such as aloe vera juice. Aloe vera can also be taken in gel or capsule form.

If you are going to touch your hemorrhoid for whatever reason, be sure that you do so with clean hands. By touching a hemorrhoid with dirty hands and fingers, you are increasing the chances of transferring germs and bacteria to the hemorrhoid, which could cause irritation and even an infection.

Hemorrhoids are a common and irritating complication of pregnancy. It's important to avoid any natural or over-the-counter remedies until you consult with your doctor to see what is safe for you and your baby. Try sleeping on your left side to reduce pressure on certain veins that can make hemorrhoids swell.

An application of petroleum jelly can soothe hemorrhoids and speed up the healing process. Lubricating hemorrhoids in this way is especially effective when done immediately before a bowel movement. This eases the passage of fecal matter and reduces the irritation the process causes to hemorrhoids. Lubrication can also reduce itching and pain.

If you have hemorrhoids, be careful not to wipe to hard after you use the toilet. Wiping too hard can irritate and tear the tender skin around your anus. This can increase hemorrhoid flair ups, and generally increase problems. Use a soft toilet paper and wipe gently for best results.

Witch hazel is an amazing relief for those who suffer from hemorrhoids. Make sure you find and purchase quality witch hazel. Apply it with gentle care to the affected areas using a high quality disposable cloth or cotton cloth. The alcohol content of the witch hazel should not be high as you may not like the sting if it is.

As mentioned earlier, hemorrhoids are a burdensome part of life for many of us. When supplied with the right information, you can make them become only a distant memory. After using the information presented here, you will finally be able to find some relief and live a happier, healthier life.

Troy Powers has completed extensive research on how to cure hemorrhoids. He recommends overcoming this painful ailment to undergo an alternative hemorrhoids treatment that focuses on diet and nutrition. Visit http://www.squidoo.com/stats/traffic/how-to-cure-hemorrhoids to learn more.

Last modified onTuesday, 30 April 2013 14:57
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