Symptoms of Insomnia

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There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night. For some people, thankfully, this is just an occasional thing. For others, it is actually quite chronic, and they are considered to be insomniacs. It is not just adults who are affected by insomnia either. Many children have difficulties getting to sleep and staying asleep, and it often shows in their performance in school.

Insomnia is not something that people can just ignore. It can actually be dangerous. One really scary thing about insomnia is that it can affect you while you are driving. If you are not getting enough sleep due to insomnia, you may find that you nod off frequently, and if this happens while you are at the wheel, it can result in an accident. It is important to learn about the symptoms of insomnia, and if you do have it, to get treatment as soon as possible.

There are a number of symptoms of insomnia, and if you find that you have any of the following symptoms, it may be time to speak with your physician so you can start sleeping again.


  • Difficulties falling asleep - If you go to bed at your regular time, or even wait until you are thoroughly exhausted, but find that it takes a half an hour, an hour or even longer to get to sleep, it may be a sign that you have insomnia.


  • Difficulties staying asleep - If you finally get to sleep, and find that you are waking up often throughout the night, you are not getting the sleep you need, this could be a symptom of insomnia.
  • Waking up too early - If you are waking up long before the alarm clock starts ringing, and it happens nearly every morning, then you may need to seek treatment for insomnia.
  • Feeling listless during the day - When you don't get enough sleep due to insomnia, you will be tired during the day and find it difficult to perform certain functions or even concentrate on simple things.

If you have any symptoms of insomnia, you should take them seriously and see your physician. If it is decided that you truly are an insomniac, the symptoms are not going to lessen, but will get even worse over time, and eventually, insomnia is going to take its toll on your health. Your physician can help you find ways to deal with and treat your insomnia so you don't have to worry about the symptoms ever again.


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Last modified onThursday, 24 November 2011 16:19
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