How Did You Gain the Weight

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Are you one of those people who is constantly watching your weight? Do you find that you gain weight just by looking at food? You want to lose weight to feel better, but cannot find the right diet plan. You need a way to get motivated, so when you start a program, you will not give up.


The answers to why people gain weight are many and they vary from person to person, but they can be caused by physical or psychological reasons. When you know why you gained the weight in the first place, then you will have the best way to lose it. Not all weight gain is by overeating, sometimes there are medical reasons.


Some people gain weight because of medical reasons. As people get older, it is easy to slowly put on some weight, so that it is barely noticeable. Losing weight is sure a lot harder than it was to gain it in the first place.


It is much harder for some people, because not all people have the same body type, and some types are just weight gainers. Not everyone has weight issues, some can eat whatever they want and not gain weight. If your family has bad eating habits, it will take lots of will power to keep the necessary motivation to maintain the weight you want.


Gaining weight quite often is the result of psychological problems. If our parents do not instill good eating habits when we are children, we will be affected the rest of our lives. Sometimes we eat because it makes us feel better. If you keep a journal of the food you eat, and how you were feeling at the time, you will know if you are an emotional eater.


What causes you to be overweight? Do you like the wrong foods, or do you eat when you are alone, or when you feel depressed? Do you snack late at night watching TV? People get into patterns that they do not know about, but when you write down what you eat, and when, you will realize why you have been gaining weight.


People who eat food to bring about emotional happiness, quite often end up being obese.


If you want to lose weight be prepared for some hard work. The first diet plan you try is not always the right one, so it will take determination, and patience to keep going.


To lose weight and keep it off will require keeping to the proper diet, and add an exercise program.




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Last modified onThursday, 25 July 2013 07:21
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