Which Types Of Insomnia Stop You From falling Asleep?

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Trouble sleeping sleep apnea, sleeplessness or sleeping problems all come under the general term "insomnia."

In order to choose the best treatment for your insomnia it's important to identify what's causing it and to ensure you don't have an underlying medical condition which needs treating first. Insomnia can come in many different types and could possibly manifest itself as one main problem but is more likely to show up as a combination of several factors that may include difficulty going to sleep, trouble staying asleep, waking too early and not feeling rested when you wake up. Sufferers may experience some or all of these problems. There are five main types of insomnia:

Primary Insomnia

Primary insomnia is a sleeping problem that is not related to any other health or lifestyle issue. Co-Morbid Insomnia

Co-morbid insomnia is more common and sufferers have a sleep problem that is associated with one or more other medical conditions. Statistics show that over 80% of insomniacs have this type of insomnia. Medical problems which can be related to insomnia include: Pain, depression or anxiety. Indigestion, arthritis, heart and lung disease, cancer. Medications - either prescribed or over the counter. Other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome. Co-morbid insomnia can also be caused by other factors which aren't normally thought of as medical conditions, for example: A substance such as caffeine, tobacco or alcohol. A change in routine could upset your sleeping patterns. The environment in which you are trying to sleep may not be ideal.

Transient Insomnia

Insomnia which last less than four weeks is referred to as transient insomnia. It is caused by all sorts of temporary things such as stress, illness, jet lag, excitement or a different routine such as starting a new job.

Short Term Insomnia

This is similar to transient insomnia in that it has similar triggers. However it can last anything from one and up to six months and the triggers are more prolonged or severe: divorce, death in the family or financial worries are a few of many common causes. It is extremely important to seek help for short term insomnia as left untreated it can grow to become a chronic condition.

Chronic Insomnia

Chronic insomnia is often caused by a medical condition and treating the condition may improve the insomnia. Chronic insomnia is an ongoing battle with sleep (or the lack of it) and will happen virtually every night for a continuous period. Whilst often caused by a medical condition it could also be caused by having fallen into bad sleeping habits.

Now that you've identified what type of insomnia you have you can now go about sorting the problem out so that you can get on with your life.


It can be a great help to know which type of sleeping problem you suffer from in order to seek treatment. Try this solution to many sleeping problems. http://www.sleepingsolutions.biz

Last modified onThursday, 25 July 2013 07:21
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