Dark Spots In Vision: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment.

Dr. James S Pendergraft by Dr. James S Pendergraft
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As we get older there are problems with sight, memory, the ability to carry out tasks speedily and what have you. When it comes to problems with vision it is advisable never to ignore the tell tale signs as they could be urgent ones that need to be addressed immediately.

Causes of Irregular Vision

It is also important to factor in that not every eye- related illness has warning signs or symptoms. But if one notices dark spots in his or her vision it is best to meet with a specialist to get to the root cause of the problem. There are various causes for the malady, like macular degeneration that is age- related - where the vision at the centre of the eyes becomes dim but the peripheral vision is not much affected. The cause for this is also due to yellow deposits under the retina as well as some form of an abnormal growth of blood vessels there. Macular hole is another problem where the vitreous gel sticks to the macula and does not pull away, which creates a hole in the mass. Macular pucker is caused when the vitreous gel that is located in the center of the eyes pulls away or shrinks causing problems to the retina.


Blurred vision, perceiving colors that are either too bright or limited, inability in dealing with a change in light from the outdoors to the indoors and difficulty in recognizing faces are all symptoms of the dry macular problem. The symptoms in wet macular degeneration include completely distorted vision where objects appear vastly different from the original or may either increase or decrease in size with each eye, blurred central vision, black spots, color blindness, etc. To test whether the patient has either of the two or a macular hole or pucker degenerative illness, it is important to meet with an ophthalmologist. The doctor dilates the pupils with drops to examine the problem with the eyes in order to view the retina and other areas at the back of the eye. If it has been ascertained that it is macular degeneration she/he may use an Amsler grid to analyze the extent of the problem.

Preventive Measures

Treatment at the present juncture has not been proven to help with the degenerative illness. But there are various vitamins and zinc components that can help a patient slow down progression of the disease before it reaches a more advanced stage. An important point to keep in mind is that when one feels that there is a problem with the eyes, it is best to visit a doctor to rule out any underlying cause. To stop the advance, dietary supplements of vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, zinc and zeaxanthin can help tremendously. However if a patient has already been diagnosed with the illness, there is no sure fire cure, although these remedies do help to some extent with patients who are at a high risk of developing the advanced state of this blind- spot related disorder

Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women. 

Last modified onMonday, 04 November 2013 05:22
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