Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel, M.D., is the founder and site Manager of Kardz Medicine, where this post also appears. Dr. Karl is a graduate of People's Friendship University and a board certified Practitioner. Currently, he's pursuing Masters In Public Health (MPH) at University of South Wales and works as a primary care physician. He is active on Facebook and Google+, as well as Twitter @kardzmed.


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While the term "candida albicans" isn't one that we hear every day, it's a bacteria that negatively affects countless people. This bacteria, which exists naturally in a human's digestive tract or a woman's vagina, can become problematic in large quantities. When probiotics ("good" bacteria) and our immune systems


Facial Hyperhidrosis Could Be More Than Just Nerves Truthfully, obesity can, and sometimes is a factor because the extra fat in the body makes it harder to regulate and control heat and thus makes sweating more apparent. But it is rarely the main cause for persons who experience excessive sweating.


What is the difference between fitness strength training and body building? According to Tony Vento, a leading personal trainer and body builder for over 24 years, there is a big difference.



A hospital is supposed to make you better, but you may not feel too well after reading this. Some words of advice: Be your own health care advocate

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