Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel, M.D., is the founder and site Manager of Kardz Medicine, where this post also appears. Dr. Karl is a graduate of People's Friendship University and a board certified Practitioner. Currently, he's pursuing Masters In Public Health (MPH) at University of South Wales and works as a primary care physician. He is active on Facebook and Google+, as well as Twitter @kardzmed.


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Inflamatory diseases of female sex organsInflammation is the standard pathologic process, which is developed in response to the introduction of infectious agent and accompanied by the development of the standard complex of vascular and tissue reactions.

Three phases of the inflammatory process:


Laryngeal fracturesA traumatically injured patient may present with many distracting injuries. Appropriate treatment of this patient requires that airway patency be the first priority. Injury to the larynx may range from simple mucosal tears to fractured and comminuted cartilage. Any combination of injuries along this continuum can result in a precipitous airway emergency.


alternating-hemiplegia-abnormal-cerebralMedial medullary syndrome, also known as inferior alternating syndrome, hyploglossal alternating hemiplegia, or lower alternating hemiplegia, is a set of clinical features resulting from occlusion of vertebral artery or of branch of vertebral or lower basilar artery. This results in the infaction of medial part of the medulla oblongata.



acupuncture therapy Using Acupuncture As A Back Pain Relief Method One benefit of today's society is the fact that more and more folks are considering non-pharmacological methods to manage their medical issues rather than popping pills for every issue.

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