Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel, M.D., is the founder and site Manager of Kardz Medicine, where this post also appears. Dr. Karl is a graduate of People's Friendship University and a board certified Practitioner. Currently, he's pursuing Masters In Public Health (MPH) at University of South Wales and works as a primary care physician. He is active on Facebook and Google+, as well as Twitter @kardzmed.


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retinal detachment.The retina is a thin, transparent tissue of light-sensitive nerve fibers and cells. It covers the inside wall of the eye the same as wallpaper covers the walls of a room.

Retinal detachment (RD) was first recognized in the early 1700s by de Saint-Yves. Retinal detachment refers to separation of the inner layers of the retina from the underlying retinal pigment epithelium.


Let me start by stating that the genesis of prostate cancer is multifactorial, with changes arising over a considerable period of time. Consequently, with respect to preventative or ameliorating measures, it is axiomatic that these should be implemented early and sustained for longer rather than shorter duration if their beneficial effects are to be maximised.


pcos-polycystic ovarian syndromePolycystic Ovary Syndrome affects an estimated 5-10 percent of women of childbearing age and it is a leading cause of infertility(due to infrequent or lack of ovulation). It is the most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age.

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