Understanding Your Doctor
Image from www.choice.com.au

Understanding Your Doctor

Paul A Philips by Paul A Philips
Comments:DISQUS_COMMENTS News and Perspective
The patient's relationship with his or her doctor is no doubt a very important area to understand when considering the subject of iatrogenesis (accidental death by medicine or medical intervention). 


For many people, as patients, when in consultation with their doctor some deep-seated psychology occurs. It is to do with the patient's regard: The doctor is seen as an authority figure. Maybe this regard was deeply ingrained during the patient's childhood, with memories of mummy and daddy saying that the man with the white coat knows best, making this belief stick firmly in adulthood. Or it's just a case of straightforward reasoning: that the Doctor is a well-trained, experienced and knowledgeable health professional that makes this person a lord and master over your health... 

"Real thinking is to think the unthinkable"

-Albert Einstein 

Whatever the psychology is that makes the doctor an authority figure, the outcome is the same: The patient will often gives up his or her health to someone else. This makes the patient vulnerable: He or she stops thinking for them self and designates the responsibility to the regarded lord and master over their health, the doctor.

The truth is the doctor knows a lot about ill-health but not so much about health as you may consider. It is worth bearing in mind, the doctor is just a medical technician. Who, in turn, diagnoses and treats symptoms under the health protocols or guidance's of someone else. This also stops him or her from really thinking and is vulnerable...

It doesn't end there. There are others who are either in compliance or have been programmed or brainwashed into unthinkingly following a system. Remember, the conventional health system doesn't always work because it is based on ignorance, deception and greed... spearheaded by the might of the medical pharmaceutical establishment whose self-interest can place the real welfare concern of patients below the corporate profit machine... 

-In effect, both patient and doctor and many others involved in the big picture place themselves at the mercy of the controlling authorities; those select few at the very top of the hierarchical tree of the medical / pharmaceutical establishment. This is where the decisions are really made.

However, in order to break the spell cast by the authorities, start thinking for yourself and then take control of your health. Your health is up to you not your doctor; that would be you shrugging your responsibility. Have a listening for your body, it is telling you what to do... 

-In short take ownership of your body

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Last modified onWednesday, 07 June 2017 10:46
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