Alternative Therapy for Releasing Trapped Emotions

Michael Gross by Michael Gross
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It is very difficult to watch a relative or anyone that has anxiety issues, anger management issues or "the will to die". In the past you might have felt like there was little you could do or you tried other methods that didn't work the way you had hoped.

Here are 3 examples of how the releasing of trapped emotions helped 3 individuals overcome their specific issues. Each one of them have restored balance to their lives.

A 38 year-old woman had anxiety attacks when eating certain foods. However, this same problem started to extend to anything she ate and she didn't know what to do. She only ate organic healthy foods and believed in holistic methods. She didn't want to have to take medication. However, she was so desperate that she considered taking medication to allow her to eat after not eating for 3 days. When she found out about releasing trapped emotions and imbalances she didn't hesitate in experiencing the possibilities. After releasing specific trapped emotions and imbalances she was reluctant to test even the foods she could normally eat. But, she did. By the end of the day she was eating even foods she hadn't eaten in months. Today, after 2 weeks she is still eating foods without having anxiety attacks.

In the middle of a session a middle-aged woman was having a fierce argument with her husband, which was very common for them. While she was in the middle of this argument, 3 trapped emotions were released. When the 3rd one was released, she was in the middle of a sentence and stopped. Her demeanor became calm and remained so the rest of the session. The results of releasing trapped emotions can be dramatic at times.

A 73 year-old man literally wanted to die. He felt like he was at the end of his rope. The nurses in this nursing care facility were only allowed to feed him through a tube and he would not get out of bed. He hadn't moved from his bed in 2 months and at this time he wanted to die. He would ask anyone that was willing to listen to him, to tell his family that he loved them and goodbye because he was going to die that night. By using the Alternative therapy of the "Emotion Code", the emotions were found and released. The funny thing was that when the trapped emotions were released from him, he was in the middle of telling someone to tell his family goodbye. Before he said goodbye this time, he stopped in the middle of saying it and that was it. He never asked anyone to tell his family goodbye again. He is now out of the nursing care facility enjoying a very productive life at the age of 74 and has a very healthy "will to Live" now.

This methodology gives energy healing practitioners another modality that will help in restoring balance to their clients. By releasing trapped emotions many things are possible!

Experience how amazing your life can be by receiving your complimentary session to alternative therapy for<br />releasing trapped emotions by going to<br />Michael Gross is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (CECP) skilled at releasing trapped emotions.


Last modified onTuesday, 03 January 2012 13:44
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