Eczema On Face: A Symptom Of Seborrheic Eczema

Charles Perkins by Charles Perkins
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Seborrheic eczema which is otherwise known as dermatitis seborrheic is one of the four most common types of eczema that plague mankind. And one of its manifestation is eczema on face.

Seborrheic eczema is a type of eczema that affects skin on the uppermost areas of the human body including the scalp, face, and the trunk. Like all forms of eczema, seborrheic eczema also causes skin inflammation. This certain type of eczema, however, is the only kind that attacks skin areas which have many sebum or sebaceous glands. If you haven't noticed, seborrheic eczema is limited to areas of the body that are known to get "oily" and that's because these areas have more sebaceous glands than in other parts of the body.

Seborrheic eczema has a very unique manifestation. Most types of eczema would appear as red blotches on skin, as red itchy pimples (although they're not really pimples, just bumps), or as an unsightly dry rash. Seborrheic eczema, on the other hand, appears like dandruff and is even commonly mistaken as a simple dandruff. But if these dandruff like flakes show up anywhere on the face, chest area, or back, there is no other culprit but seborrheic eczema.

Aside from having a unique eczema symptom, seborrheic eczema or dermatitis seborrheic also has a unique set of causes. Most types of eczema are associated with irritants. Seborrheic eczema is different in that it is linked to internal factors - mainly, one's health condition. The appearance of eczema on face, scalp eczema, or eczema on the torso with this particular eczema type is typically triggered by stress, lack of sleep, poor health, poor nutrition, and simple illnesses like colds, cough, or flu. Exposure to extreme cold or heated environments are also known to cause seborrheic eczema.

Stress is the most common cause of causing eczema on face and scalp eczema. It can come in the form of an illness, fatigue, sudden environmental changes such as the change from fall to winter season, psychological stress, sleep deprivation, and decreased health. Teenagers and adults are more prone to developing eczema on face at these times and the flaky rashes tend to appear on the sides of their nose and their scalp.

The excessive intake of Vitamin A is also linked to the triggering of seborrheic eczema in children. Vitamin A is known for its role in speeding up the regeneration of dead skin cells which is why when taken in excess, it causes scalp eczema and eczema on face especially in children who need very little of this vitamin. In all age groups, the lack of Vitamin B6, B2, and biotin are also related to seborrheic eczema.

The symptoms of seborrheic eczema occur gradually and are not instant compared to other types of eczema which immediately cause an eczema rash to appear as soon as being exposed to an irritant. With seborrheic eczema, it first starts out as scalp eczema which is why it is usually taken for granted as dandruff. A clear distinguishing mark between dandruff and scalp eczema is that with dandruff, the flakes appear white. With scalp eczema, the flakes tend to be yellowish white in color.

When seborrheic eczema progresses, that is when it begins to appear as eczema on face. The yellowish white flakes may show up on the forehead, eyebrows, ears, sides of the nose, around the mouth, the sides of the face, and on the neck. This is usually the stage when seborrheic eczema becomes diagnosed since scalp eczema was initially taken for granted as merely dandruff. When the flaking already appears anywhere on the torso, seborrheic eczema is usually severe by that time and the rashes can be painful and no longer just itchy.



Charles Perkins is a skin care expert.  For more information related to eczema on face, visit
Last modified onThursday, 24 November 2011 16:18
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