How To Recognise The Junk in All Junk Food!

Paul A Philips by Paul A Philips
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How To Recognise The Junk in All Junk Food!

You know what I mean by junk food. Things like beef burgers, chips, waffles, biscuits, high sugar content fizzy drinks, sweets... high salt, processed foods etc, right? 

What distinguishes junk from good food?

Junk food has: 

*A high calorific value; no wonder its forever rising consumption has been associated with obesity over the last 50 plus years. 

*No fibre, containing little or next to nothing in terms of nutrition. Junk food is depleted of vitamins, enzymes and minerals, whether it's because of excessive heat, deep freezing or irradiation. 

*High levels of unhealthy trans-fats (unlike healthy cis-fats occurring naturally in nature) and has been said to make up some of the unhealthiest food in the world. 

*A potential cocktail of chemicals, some of which can be damaging to the body or become addictive. Examples include artificial sweeteners, or additives like nitrosamines. The defensive comment sometimes made is that these chemicals are only in small amounts, but they add up to something over the years when eaten in foods regularly, and what about their synergistic effects with other toxins? 

On the subject, long term consumption of junk foods can lead to a whole host of illnesses. Heart disease and related illnesses, various cancers, digestive problems like leaky gut syndrome, diabetes, premature ageing, cognitive disorders and dementia... 

The big picture 

Junk foods are known to be relatively inexpensive to manufacture. Indeed, this contributes to their increase over the years. Greed or moneyed interests have worked in ways such that most of the general public have no idea what has been going on. 

Do you know what 'The revolving door syndrome' is? It's where an approval body such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) give sanctions to a questionably dangerous food additive or drug. This happens because certain individuals on the FDA's board of The revolving door syndromeapproval instead of being impartial have tied interests to the very companies who submit their products to them... 

For example, after voting for approval of the questionable food additive or drug, they are later found to be on the board of directors that manufacture it! This has happened with quite a number of food additives or drugs where the outcome has shown to be disastrous for many consumers or patients. 

Monosodium glutamate, aspartame and vioxx are examples where these potentially harmful substances has been approved care of 'The revolving door' effect and the political rule of the day over the disapproval of FDA scientists. 

The overall message to this article is to learn to discern between what are junk foods; where there is moneyed interest, corporate greed over welfare concern.

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Last modified onMonday, 17 February 2014 15:33
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