Are Vegetable Oils Cancerogenic?

Patrick Howard by Patrick Howard
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Not all things associated with vegetable means healthy. It is indeed true in the case of vegetable oils. Given that these days, an average person 

healthy meal- Photo taken by Wainaina Wanyoike

consumes processed foods at rapid rates that are indeed alarming, it is also a must for the public to discover the danger of omega-6 vegetable oils.
Over the past decades, Western civilization has introduced culinary innovations that greatly altered the modern diet. The prevalent use of refined vegetable oils in breads, desserts, snacks, and even in home-cooked meals has made it a major source of the overall caloric intake of most people.

What should everybody know about the danger of omega-6 vegetable oils? The human body supposedly needs two types of fats to survive: omega-3 and omega-6. However, many experts on nutrition point out that for optimum health, there has to be a balance in the consumption of the seed- and nut-derived omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids which are sourced from cold water fish such as sardines, mackerel, herring, and salmon. Unfortunately, this balance is hardly ever achieved, given the ordinary mwananchi diet, which commonly carries a 20:1 to 50:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. Such a condition usually results in heart problems and other diseases such as hypertension, cancers, asthma as well as cognitive degenerative diseases. 

Typically, high intake of omega-6 can cause obesity, hyperactivity, depression, and perhaps even violence. This leads to inflammation at the cellular level, which explains its link to the aforementioned serious diseases. Omega-3, on the other hand, assists in counteracting inflammation and effectively counterbalances the unfortunate effects of increased levels of omega-6 in the body. It is actually a type of fatty acid that naturally occurs in the human body, but the amount is not sufficient and people need to source the rest from external elements. 

To strike a balance, the ratio has to be changed. One way of doing so is to take fish oil supplements to increase your daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids. It is said that the average person needs to consume about four pounds of fresh fish to get the same benefits from two grams of fish oil supplement. Not a lot of people can stomach that much fish daily, so taking fish oil supplements seems to be the more practical option. Of course, no matter how religiously you supplement your diet with fish oils, if you gorge on omega-6 fats like it's going out of style tomorrow, your attempts at balance is nothing but futile. Understandably, your diet has to be modified as well. 

At the end of the day, favoring freshly prepared meals over processed foods, increasing fish intake, and supplementing with fish oils can make a world of difference for your health.

Increased Omega-6 intake can harm the body. Therefore balancing this by consuming food rich in Omega-3 will help get a healthier body. Discover the dangers of too much Omega-6. Go to
Last modified onThursday, 02 May 2013 04:15
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