So, just how does it work?

Initially you must understand how we lose our hair as a result of male pattern baldness which is referred to as androgenic alopecia. Hair loss is the result of a hormone called DHT or dihydrotestosterone.
Certain hairs in most men (usually the hairs on the top and front of the head) are sensitive to Dihydrotestosterone. Since the body produces DHT with time, this sensitive hair becomes weaker and will eventually stop growing altogether.
So having said that it goes to reason that if you can minimize the amounts of DHT within the body you might also decelerate stop or even reverse hairloss.
The fact is, this is actually the basic mechanism through which 'baldness' medications such as Proscar and Propecia operate. They inhibit the enzyme responsible for regulating conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosteron. This reduces DHT levels in the scalp and therefore reduces it's effects on the hair follicles - reversing hair loss in most men.
But the real concern is these particular drugs are powerful and can have some adverse side affects that are irreversible.
And this is where the natural solution Saw Palmetto will come in. According to some natural health experts, it could do something akin to these drugs by helping to reduce activity of 5 alpha-reductase. This blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and so helps you to reverse hair thinning.
Can it actually work to stop hairloss?
Well, there's not a lot of scientific tests out there to say if it does or not (which isn't surprising since it is an all-natural remedy and there is no money to be made).
However there is a lot of anecdotal evidence from those who have taken it and discover that it has helped them. You can usually find saw palmetto at a local health store. It's associated with varying amounts several natural regrowth supplements on the market.

It is important to know about the following
To begin with, you have to make perfectly sure that any herbal remedy for your hair contains enough saw palmetto to actually perform the job. I've seen supplements which contain everywhere from 100 mg as much as 1000 mg per capsule.
And you'll also notice that sometimes price doesn't really depend upon which kind of dose you are taking. For example, I am aware of one supplement which has 300 mg of saw palmetto extract for hair loss per capsule. Then there's another supplement which contains 1000 mg of saw palmetto extract per capsule - and it's also actually cheaper.
So if you do decide to try this solution make sure you shop around and discover the very best supplement with regards to value. You should check with your doctor before taking any health supplement to ensure your baldness isn't due to some desease or perhaps stress related.
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