Is Glucosamine Safe For Treating Human Joint Arthritis?

Steve Weber by Steve Weber
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Many people suffering the effects of joint osteoarthritis wonder is glucosamine safe? This all-natural supplementation product has been used for many decades to counter the effects of arthritis joint disease in both humans and animals.

Although no supplement product can be stated as being 100% safe and completely without any side effects, those who use glucosamine understand that the negative effects are quite minimal.

Glucosamine is a safe product be derived from natural sources which is actually used as building blocks by the body to rebuild and regenerate tissues within the joint. The cartilage between the ball and socket bones within the joints is used by the body to protect the to bones from rubbing together. Arthritis joint disease acts in decreasing the thickness and integrity of this cartilage tissue and thus allows the living bone tissues to rub together. These tissues contain countless nerve endings which results in pain when they are irritated due to the lack of protective joint tissue.

Is glucosamine a safe way to combat the effects of osteoarthritis in people and dogs? All we can say is that there are countless studies which show the benefits of using glucosamine as a supplement product to aid the body in rebuilding and regenerating the damaged tissues of cartilage found inside the joints of those suffering from arthritis. There are numerous anecdotal reports also of highly successful results from people using the glucosamine supplement to aid in easing the symptoms and pain they are experiencing due to the disease.

Again, glucosamine is a safe and natural product that actually is required to link block inside the body which the cartilage tissues are composed of. It is not an artificial element or something foreign to the body. This is why the body is so accepting of the nutritional supplementation product and why almost nobody has any negative side effects associated with the use of glucosamine supplements.

Is glucosamine safe in treating rheumatoid arthritis also? This type of arthritic disease is different then osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is better suited for treating the latter version of the disease then the former. But of course there are no harmful side effects or reasons why rheumatoid arthritis sufferers should not also be taking glucosamine. Later in life, it is not uncommon for people to suffer from both versions of this joint disease.

Glucosamine can safely be taken in both tablet and liquid forms. However, many people find that taking glucosamine as a liquid yields far better results than the tablets or capsules. For one thing, the pill version of glucosamine contains fillers which are not necessary for the building and regeneration of joint tissues. The liquid version of glucosamine has a higher concentration of the active ingredient and also, many studies have shown that the liquid version is more easily absorbed by the body making for a more economical usage.

Of course another added benefit for taking the liquid version of the glucosamine supplement is that it is far easier for some people to take compared to the pills and capsules. This is especially true when supplementing a canine whereas the liquid would Kos amine can simply be poured over his or her food at meal time without having to force a pill down her throat or trick them in some way with a piece of food containing the tablet.

Is glucosamine safe for treating osteoarthritis and canines? Again, as with humans, there are very few adverse side effects associated with providing glucosamine supplementation to canines are suffering the effects of osteoarthritis joint disease. Almost no dogs have any adverse or negative effects whatsoever. And since the liquid version of the product is so easy to give by simply adding it to the dogs food it is the chosen supplement by many pet owners for helping their animals cope with the pain experienced in their later years of life due to the joint disease.

Visit our website for more details about using liquid glucosamine as a safe and all-natural supplementation product for treating the effects of osteoarthritis in canines and humans.

Visit our Cactus Canyon web site to discover more about treating arthritis with Synflex glucosamine. It\'s effective and safe for helping ease the signs and symptoms of joint osteoarthritis.

Last modified onFriday, 17 February 2012 19:07
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