What Are The Treatments For Psoriasis?

Martha R Joneson by Martha R Joneson
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Psoriasis is a common skin disorder induced by erroneous signals sent by the auto-immune system, leading to extra fast skin cell renewal. The cells that regenerate with this faster pace cause other tissue to accumulate on the skin surface, generating a scale-like structure.

The area surrounding the scales is normally reddish and bumpy. The patient can also get an intense itching sensation around these regions; in fact, the name of the disorder derives from the old Greek term "psora" which means "itching". The most common types of psoriasis are psoriasis of the scalp and hand psoriasis.

Sadly, there are actually no treatment solutions for psoriasis, and the condition currently is classified as a lifelong illness. Even if there are various home remedies for psoriasis which can be used to alleviate the signs and symptoms, to lessen the disturbance caused by the illness or even to completely remove the scales and the reddish bumps, almost all affected individuals experience relapses after a certain period of time.

There are 2 categories of treatment options commonly used in psoriasis situations: topical treatment options and systemic medications. External solutions generally consist of lotions and creams applied at the scaly areas, whereas systemic medications consist of pills and tablets and other similar prescription drugs. Scientists found out that alternative treatment types like photo therapy and natural cures can be applied to certain patients with a certain level of success which is determined by the severeness of the patient's condition.

Doctors generally recommend different treatment options based on the severity of psoriasis. External treatment options (creams, etc.) are applied to mild psoriasis patients, whilst more serious cases demand oral medications like injections and pills. Having said that, it should be remembered that those remedies cannot get rid of the condition; both prescription drugs and psoriasis remedies applied at home will only alleviate the signs and symptoms for a certain time.


On the other hand, there are a lot of innovative treatment options being developed at this moment, and we all believe that the ultimate remedy for this disturbing skin condition will be discovered very soon. But until such time, psoriasis sufferers should never surrender the battle against this problem, and should not feel ashamed for this special skin condition. Like we stated earlier, there are treatments you can use to reduce the sypmtoms and even get them to completely go away for a certain period of time.

If any specific remedy manages to eliminate the symptoms, you can actually stay away from relapses to a certain extent just by avoiding stress and anxiety, avoiding skin injuries and quickly treating any infection on your body. Should you take all of the the necessary precautions, you can hold back the recurrences for extended time periods.



If you would need more detailed information on this skin condition, you can check our site at http://www.home-remedies-for-psoriasis.com where I share information about psoriasis. You can also look at our hand psoriasis page at http://www.home-remedies-for-psoriasis/psoriasis-on-hands for specific information for hand psoriasis.
Last modified onSaturday, 06 July 2013 08:47
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