Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Symptoms and Consequences

Leanne Kyle by Leanne Kyle
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Ruptured ovarian cysts, as any woman who has had one will tell you, can be really painful. Many women have ovarian cysts without even knowing it, and usually they simply disappear themselves. But every so often they continue to grow, and if left untreated, the walls of the cyst will get thinner, and in time it can burst, or rupture.

It is unusual for the pain experienced from a ruptured ovarian cyst to be the first sign a woman feels. In view of the fact that the cyst is typically fairly large before it ruptures, it generally causes a good deal of discomfort and pain. Typical indications comprise

- abdominal pain, mainly through the menstrual period

- irregular menstrual cycles

- feeling the need to urinate often (in view of the fact that the large cyst puts pressure on the bladder)

- sometimes difficulty urinating

- feeling of pressure or heaviness in the stomach

Ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms are very similar, but generally the pain is much more intense. It likewise commonly comes really abruptly - a cyst rupturing is like a water balloon bursting, so the pain is sharp and sudden. Fortunately, the severe pain is generally fairly short lived (normally ebbing within 24 hours), and the pressure is relieved from the 'balloon' on your ovary.

Mostly, after the rupture the ovary would heal itself, and there would be no further complications. But this is not always the case. The ovary can get infected, which if left untreated could have serious implications for your health and your ability to conceive. Every so often, the rupture can cause the ovary to twist, restricting blood flow and causing severe pain. The wound may be slow to heal, so increasing the chance of scar tissue forming. Again, this can affect fertility.

If you think your cyst might have ruptured, you must get medical attention immediately. At the very least, you will probably need strong painkillers. If the intense pain does not subside after 24 hours, it is likely that the ovary has twisted or infection has set in. In this case, it is absolutely important to get expert medical help.

As soon as the cyst has ruptured, it is gone. If you only had one cyst, the problems it caused before the rupture should end. Then again, it is sadly quite likely that the cyst would come back once more. Unless you do something to change them, the underlying problems which caused the cyst are still present. The natural holistic approach to treating and preventing ovarian cysts addresses these underlying causes. By getting your internal balance right, particularly through altering your diet and metabolism, you can get rid of your ovarian cysts for good - without medication or surgical treatment.



If you or someone you love is suffering from ovarian cyst pain, go to to learn more about how to get rid of your ovarian cysts and cure PCOS naturally - and for good.
Last modified onTuesday, 03 January 2012 13:43
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