Hyperthermia as a Cancer Treatment

Autumn Lockwood by Autumn Lockwood
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temperature distribution induced by a Sigma-60 hyperthermia applicator.Although many alternative cancer therapies are available, hyperthermia continues to be one of the more promising. Cancer cells are very susceptible to heat, so using hyperthermia can not only reduce the size of tumors, but it also can kill cancer cells.

Hyperthermia can also be used alongside other treatments, which makes them more effective. As a consequence of work and research of dedicated oncologists hyperthermia is a very promising alternative therapy for the treatment of cancer.

The Mechanism of Hypothermia

Hypothermia treatments take advantage of the power of heat to weaken and then kill tumor cells. When normal body temperatures are raised, cancer cells have proven to be susceptible due to their abnormal nature. If the temperature of cancer cells is elevated, they have a difficult time dissipating the heat. Fortunately the surrounding healthy cells find it easier to deal with heat. This is because normal cells possess a more organized vascular structure, as compared to the disorganized structure of the tumor. Since the tumor cells have a disorganized structure, it is difficult for them to get sufficient oxygen and nutrients, and when the heat is raised the stress can significantly weaken them enough that they die.

Moderate Hyperthermia Therapy Treatments {gallery}hyperthemiatherapy:200:160:1:0{/gallery}

Hyperthermia treatments often use temperatures that will be within the range of 108 to 111 degrees Fahrenheit, and this has the ability to directly kill cancer cells. The effectiveness and delivery of other chemotherapeutic cancer therapies can even be improved by this elevated temperature range. Because heat will increase the blood flow to the tumor area, it may help more chemotherapeutic medications get to the targeted cells. The division of cancer cells can be slowed down by heat, which can assist other cancer treatments with fighting the illness.

Mild Hyperthermia Treatments

Even milder hyperthermia treatments utilizing temperatures within the range of a high fever are usually beneficial. These slightly higher body temperatures have a tendency to stimulate a natural immunological attack by the body, targeting the cancer cells. One can understand why mild hyperthermia can mimic a natural immunological attack, since a fever is exactly what the human body uses as a natural attack mechanism against disease.

High Temperature Hyperthermia Treatments

On occasion temperatures above 122 degrees Fahrenheit can be used as part of hyperthermia treatments. High temperature hyperthermia treatments are usually administered by penetrating the tumor cells with a metal tube, which is then heated to directly destroy the tumor cells.

Whole Body Hyperthermia Treatments

If the type and placement of cancer cells require it, the administration of whole body hyperthermia treatments may very well be necessary. In such cases the entire body temperature is raised, and this is accomplished through the use of hot water blankets, thermal chambers, or other whole body heating methods. Although whole body treatments must be used with great care, they are able to produce results for quite a few types of cancer.

Strategies For Choosing the Correct Hyperthermia Treatment

There are many options for utilizing hyperthermia, based on the type and placement of the cancer cells. This makes it very essential to make sure to work with an oncologist or qualified doctor, that is knowledgeable and familiar with the use of hyperthermia to fight cancer.



If you're looking for an alternative cancer treatment, then check out Dr. James Bicher MD and the Bicher Cancer Institute: http://www.valleycancerinstitute.org/ and http://www.vci.org/cancer_treatments_miscell/valleycancerinstitute_founder.htm
Last modified onSaturday, 06 July 2013 08:45
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