Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel, M.D., is the founder and site Manager of Kardz Medicine, where this post also appears. Dr. Karl is a graduate of People's Friendship University and a board certified Practitioner. Currently, he's pursuing Masters In Public Health (MPH) at University of South Wales and works as a primary care physician. He is active on Facebook and Google+, as well as Twitter @kardzmed.


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Welcome to kardz medicine’s extensive website, with information on a wide range of topics.  This site is 

Karl Daniel, M.D

Karl Daniel, M.D

for medical professionals and patients as well. My mission is to impart information to patients that will alter their health behaviors, improve their health status and achieve a better, healthier future.

This site is dedicated to my former classmates at the Friendship- medical faculty, who inspire me and/or contribute in enriching my site content.'

I Look forward to blogging about medicine each day. I don’t expect to run out of topics.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I consider it an honour and a privilege.



Your Blood type is a powerful genetic fingerprint that identifies you as surely as your DNA. A blood type/group is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, or glycolipids, depending on the blood group system. A total of 30 human blood group systems are now recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusion. The ABO and Rh systems are the most commonly used.


A woman's body goes through various changes through pregnancy. Expectant mothers take great joy in hearing their little one's heart rate, or even sensing their small movements inside the womb. Pregnancy after all, makes a female rediscover herself as her body changes, to accommodate the developing baby. You marvel at how quick your baby is developing and as you glimpse in the mirror, you suddenly see these, pink or reddish streaks on the sides of your stomach wall. You all of a sudden realize that it's not fair, you have endured too much.

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