Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel | MD

Karl Daniel, M.D., is the founder and site Manager of Kardz Medicine, where this post also appears. Dr. Karl is a graduate of People's Friendship University and a board certified Practitioner. Currently, he's pursuing Masters In Public Health (MPH) at University of South Wales and works as a primary care physician. He is active on Facebook and Google+, as well as Twitter @kardzmed.


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showing site of penicillin action in a bacteria The discovery of the antibiotics by the middle of the 20th century seemed to have doomed the human pathogens. They proved effective against many bacteria and fungi causing hospital infections, like meningitis, pneumonia and scarlet fever, which before were deadly. But this euphoria was short lived however. Shortly after the general usage of antibiotics began the microscopic world revealed its genius for becoming resistant to antibiotics thereby, overcoming the early advances made by antibiotic and antiviral medications.


Hepatitis-b-d-c-Jaundice-pptHepatitis is a general term meaning inflammation of the liver and can be caused by a variety of different viruses such as hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. One of the more common causes of acute hepatitis is hepatitis A virus (HAV). Hepatitis A is contracted at least 100 times more frequently than typhoid fever or cholera.


Breast cancer is something that most people especially women really think they know about; look for lumps, have mamograms, visit the doctor for checks, but none of these can save you from IBC. Truth is even most doctors fail in diagnosing it early. How many types of breast cancer do did know? Do you know about IBC?



Inflammatory breast cancerMost women at high risk for breast cancer do not increase their life expectancy by

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