How to choose the sex of your baby

Published in Health Articles

The issues surrounding choosing the sex of a baby are controversial, to say the least. Those who are for gender selection feel that hereditary, gender-related diseases can be avoided, as well as allow for "family balancing." Those who are opposed to gender selection feel that it is not our place to take nature into our own hands.


No sex or safe sex?

Published in Health Articles


Older demographics are still having sex, but, according to new studies, young people are doing it even more than their parents did, their grandparents, or any other generation in history. So before you know it, your kids are grown up, and on their own. "The right time to talk to them about sex and other tough issues, is sooner than you think."


Inflamatory diseases of female sex organs

Published in gynaecology

Inflamatory diseases of female sex organsInflammation is the standard pathologic process, which is developed in response to the introduction of infectious agent and accompanied by the development of the standard complex of vascular and tissue reactions.

Three phases of the inflammatory process:

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